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During pregnancy and especially in the first trimester when appetite and eating become challenging, eating right can be a problem for many women. However, this is mainly because most women eat the wrong things and do not provide their body what they really need. Focus on real, whole food and avoid processed, refined meals, which will make you feel sick.

So first of all, small meals throught the day are ideal. This keeps the blood sugar leveled and believe it or not, it can make some cravings go away. Then you need fresh fruit and vegetables, ideally organic. Fruit will give natural sugars that will provide immediate energy for the mother and baby, while vegetables will provide more complex carbs and valuable minerals and nutrients. Go for multicoloured vegetables as they contain a variety of antioxidants that work synergistically. And try to eat at least one raw salad during the day - cooking destroys many nutrients.

A very basic food is healthy fat, again preferably organic. The body (and the mother) will suffer during pregnancy without sufficient amounts of healthy fats, such as virgin olive and coconut oil, real butter and small oily fish (i.e. sardines). These nutritious fats will help balance out hormones and will make you feel so much better. It is a fact.

Then of course, you need protein, the building material for the growing baby. Many options here too! Properly cooked pulses (soaked overnight), meat ,eggs, whole dairy. Try to include one source of protein in most of your meals.

What are the best fruits to eat during pregnancy?

Any fruit you love eating but not which makes you suffer in pregnancy.

Kiwi, apple, berries, grapes, a handful of dry fruits daily, goa if you’re not prone to cough, avocado paste, every seasonal fruit for mandatory, that's up to fruits.

Three litres of water daily,

two egg whites

250ml milk

200ml ORSL on daily basis helps you keep healthy.

One iron, calcium for sure

What is good food for a pregnant woman? Why?

What is nutritional requirement for pregnant women? Why?

  • Dietary Pattern is defined as the proportions, variety or combinations of different foods and beverages in diet and the frequency with which they are habitually consumed. Dietary pattern is influenced by economic, socio- cultural and other environmental influences. The nutritional quality of dietary pattern can be determined by assessing the nutrient content of constituent foods and beverages and comparing these characteristics. Dietary Pattern should be followed during pregnancy. Dietary pattern during pregnancy plays a vital role in women and children’s life.
  • Pregnancy is a great physiological stress during women's life and causes the most important change in their biological state. The physiological needs arising from fetus needs and thus increase pregnant women requirement to energy and nutrients in comparison with non- pregnant women.

  • The pregnant mother's body is subject to greater demand to ensure fetal development as well as growth, health and functioning of uterus Placenta and amniotic fluid. A daily increase of 150 calories in food consumption is recommended at the start of pregnancy, which will eventually reach in extra 300 calories a day by the end of pregnancy. This entail a double shot in the form of daily glass of milk during the first trimester and an additional piece of fruit on slice of bread during the final six months. While weight gain is normal the mother to should not let herself starting. "Eating for two" or more. The average weight gain is between 9 and 12 kg (20 - 26 lbs).
  • Indian Council of Medical Research (IMCR-2010) recommendations of energy requirement of pregnant women are as follows:
  • Sedentary worker 1900 + 350 = 2250 Kcal/d

    Moderate worker 2230 + 350 = 2580 K/cal/d

    Heavy worker 2850 + 350 = 3200 K/cal/d

    The increase in calories for trimester wise is as follows:

    1st trimester (1 – 3 months) 10 calorie/day

    2nd trimester (4 – 6 months) 90 calorie/day

    3rd trimester (7 – 9 months) 200 calorie/day

    An Additional intake of 10 gram of protein a day during the entire pregnancy is recommended to build up, maintain and regenerate body tissue in both the fetus and mother. The daily ratio 60 gram of protein is guaranteed with our current nutritional recommendations. Glucose the basic stuff of carbohydrate is the main source of energy drawn by the fetus. A daily intake carbohydrate in the form of bread, rice, Pasta, Potato or fruit is needed for a problem free pregnancy .

    • Required Mineral and vitamins during Pregnancy

    The increase demand for mineral and vitamins during pregnancy can be satisfied by an adequate, varied a balance diet. Attention should be paid to folic acid, calcium and iron in particular, since these are often deficient.

    Calcium: A substantial transfer of calcium occurs between the mother and fetus throughout pregnancy, allowing the baby's bone and teeth formation. In the first six months, the mother store up calcium in her own bones, when its skeletal growth reaches its peak in the last three months, the fetus drawson, the mother's store. This is when the consumption of high calcium containing food such as milk and milk products must be increased since a calcium deficiency will damage the mother's teeth and make her bone brittle.

    The RDA during pregnancy is 1200mg. leg cramps in pregnant women have been attributed to alternation in calcium metabolism, but the effectiveness of treatment by supplementation is doubtful.

    Iron: The demand for iron essential for blood formation in also increased during pregnancy because the mothers blood volume increases and fetal red blood cell have to be developed Iron is available in meat, fish, egg yolk, whole grain product and vegetable. If we take vitamin C from raw food then it easily absorb iron. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia during pregnancy.

    The RDA of 15mg of dietary iron per day for non pregnant women is doubled to 30mg during pregnancy. To prevent iron deficiency anemia, low dose supplementation is recommended in the second and third trimester. Iron supplementation should not be taken with milk, tea or coffee.

    Folic Acid (vitamin B9)

    The vitamin promotes the development of fetal center nervous system and prevent the development defects of the neural tube (spinal bifida) Folic acid intake is necessary in the month before pregnancy and during the first trimester.

    Iodine : Normal requirements are insufficient during pregnancy especially if the mother belongs to the adolescent group. If mother has goiter, then infant's chances of gettting goiter increases by

    10 times. Also the evidence of cretinism increases. Iodine deficiency increases the risk of till the birth and miscarriage. Iodinized salts can be used as preventive measures

    Vitamin A: Vitamin A requirement during pregnancy has been calculated on the basis of vit A content of liver of the new born. Additional intake of vit A required for this purpose is about 25 mcg/day throughout pregnancy. It also helps to develop of an embryo, spinal cord, vertebrae, limbs, heart and ears of the embryo.

    Additional vitamins are required for different purposes in daily life as they play important roles during pregnancy and their requirements are recommended by ICMR (2010).

Maintaining a healthy diet is important whether you're  pregnant or not,but key nutrients that come from whole foods are essential in your baby's brain developement.


Spinach contains calcium,vitamin A, Vitamin C ,fibre,iron and folic acid.However,the high iron content of spinach is why you should include it in your diet.Anemia is a concern during pregnancy and following birth.Extra iron also encourages the developement of the baby's red blood cells.


Carrying a banana with you in your purse is a great idea it's a pregnancy superfood that's also easy to eat on the go.Bananas have high levels of potassium,which fight off that terrible pregnancy fatigue that drains your body by mid-day.Eat them plain or add them to your yogurt,smoothies or cereal.


Pregnant women need Vitamin A because it helps the developement of the skin,eyes,teeth,and bones for your baby.You don't want to skimp out on vitamin A,and carrots are a fantastic source!Also,the high fiber content keeps your bowels moving,reducing constipation.

4.SEA SALT               

Sea salt contributes to proper fetal developement because it contains a very important element iodine.You can get apmle amounts of iodine in your diet by using sea salt in your dishes,and it works towards balancing your hormones.


Avacados are delicious additions to your salads and sandwiches, and pregnant women can rejoice in knowing they can eat as many avacados as they want!These fruits are a source of folic acid,which is needed for neutral tube developement,and vitamin C.


Are you looking for a healthy,yet convenient,snack?Nuts are the best choice,and you have several different choices!All nuts contain magnesium,iron,copper,selenium and zinc.Walnuts,almonds,and pistachios include omega-3 fatty acids,which are valuable for your baby's developement.


Popcorn has a bad reputation for being an un-healthy snack, but it is good for you! Excessive amounts of salt and butter are not good for you,however,so be mindful of what you add.Popcorn has high levels of fiber,vitamin, and antioxidant compunds.These nutrients strengthen your baby's cell membranes.Try minimal butter and using some parmesan cheese for flavouring.


Broccoli is full of nutrients like calcium and folate that are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.It is also a great source of fiber and antioxidants.To top it  off,broccoli conatins vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron when you eat it with iron- rich food,like brown rice or whole - wheat pasta.


Start your day with a warm bowl of oatmeal to increase your energy level.Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for longer and lower your cholesterol levels.


Everyone needs extra vitamin C in their diet,and oranges also contain folate,fiber and water.Oranges are 90% water, so you can  eat them to help meet your daily fluid requirements.Remember,low fluid intake makes you feel even more tired.


Eggs are a low- calorie,high protein food that boosts your baby's brain developement and the formation of healthy organs.They are also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.Try to get free-range,organic chicken eggs,if possible,and you can always choose egg whites if you 're trying to limit your fat consumption.


Calcium is an important mineral during pregnancy,so you want to consume dairy products to get a direct calcium supply.Milk,cheese,and yogurts are all good choices.


Yogurt does belong under dairy products but it deserves it's own section.Most yogurt contains folic acids and vitamin-D along with micro flora pro biotic which improves how your body absorbs nutrients.


Chances are you've heard the common pregnancy myth that you can't consume seafood during pregnancy.The myth does contain some truth,since certain fish contain high levels of mercury and harmful trace minerals,and herring have low levels of mercury and harmful minerals.Instead,these fish contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and are something we consider a pregnancy superfood.So,eat up!


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